Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy 1 Month Matthew

I can't believe my little man is already one month old!  Time seems to be flying by.  Seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital.

At month old you 

- taking naps on mommy's chest
- hanging out with daddy on the exercise ball
- being outside
- being in the water, either at bath time or hanging out in the pool

- having your arms swaddled
- hiccups
- having a dirty diaper

What's new
- pretty much everything is new for you right now
- you are a pro at peeing on me & daddy when we change your diapers
- you got your first real bath 

(I still look all drugged up in this pic)

 Mommy & Matthew catching a few ZZZZ's
Matthew's 1st trip out

 Matthew & Ducky
 Matthew & Marko

 Daddy giving Matthew his first bath
 Shelby supervising dinner time
 Wide awake
 Newborn Photo Session

 The girls keeping an eye on Matthew

 Mimi & Matthew
 Matthew in the Moby
 Chillin w/ daddy
 So sleepy

 1st time in the pool

 Going on our daily walks

 Tummy time
Matthew's Grandpa's can't wait to take him fishing

This first month has been crazy for me!  I am so use to being on a routine/schedule but now you have taught me to "stop & smell the roses."  I love watching you sleep & seeing you take everything new in.  I started off this month questioning everything I did because I was worried I was doing everything wrong, but now I have realized there is no right or wrong, its just doing what works for us :)  Since I have taken time off of work I have been letting daddy sleep through the late night feedings but he is such a big help when he gets home from work and during the weekends.  You have had a ton of visitors since you have come home because you are already so loved.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 weeks
Total weight gain: 42 lbs
Maternity clothes? Living in the maternity clothes.  Really looking forward to being back into my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Not one!  So happy
Sleep:  I've been trying to enjoy some sleep but I still think every night this is it
Best moment this week? Scheduling our induction.  This little man will be making his appearance on April 11
Movement: He seems to be moving less.  I think he has run out of room.
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk....Still
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seafood...
Miss Anything? Not really
Gender? BOY
Labor Signs: I am dilated to a 3
Symptoms: It hurts to bend my fingers & none of my shoes are fitting.
Belly Button in or out? Out!
Wedding rings on or off? Off 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Nervous & Anxious.  Let's get this party started already
Looking forward to... my induction.  I can't believe I am finally going to meet my little bundle.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 40 lbs
Maternity clothes? Totally broke down and bought a few more Tee's
Stretch marks? None!  Looks like I might get lucky
Sleep:  Been pretty restless....Thinking every movement "Is this i?" 
Best moment this week? We got our glider for the nursery in
Movement: Lot's of rolling around
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seems to have passed
Miss Anything? YES! 
Gender? BOY
Labor Signs: I am dialated to a 1
Symptoms: Being swollen is the worst!
Belly Button in or out? Out!  This turkey is done
Wedding rings on or off? Off 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Kind of moody.  I'm so done with being uncomfortable
Looking forward to... Meeting Matthew!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 36 lbs
Maternity clothes? Refusing to buy anything else! 
Stretch marks? Nope. 
Sleep:  It's actually been pretty good this week!  I've been able to fall right back to sleep whenever I get up.
Best moment this week? Spending a day at home relaxing
Movement: He is starting to drop a little bit.
Food Cravings: Yogurt Zone!
Anything making you queasy or sick? The past 2 mornings I've had morning sickness
Miss Anything? YES!  Mainly fitting into any clothes
Gender? BOY
Labor Signs: Not really...  He did drop though
Symptoms: carpal tunnel syndrome...Strange but true.  It's really bad in the mornings.0
Belly Button in or out? I say out John says flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Anxious and nervous.  I really hope he decides to come soon
Looking forward to... Seeing my Dr on Friday again!  Hopefully I will have made some progression since last time

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 33lbs
Maternity clothes? They are the only thing I fit into!  I bought a pair of LARGE yoga pants from Old Navy & I have practically been living in them. 
Stretch marks? None yet. 
Sleep:  My sinus's have gotten really bad so I wake up in the middle of the night with a sore throat so it's hard to get any sleep. 
Best moment this week? Reaching full term
Movement:  He's pretty squirmy
Food Cravings: Peanut butter M&M's.  Best of the chocolate/peanut butter world
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular but I am having days where I feel pretty queasy. 
Miss Anything? Being able to breathe out of my nose
Gender? Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: braxton hicks, swelling, waddling
Belly Button in or out? half out half flat.  Looks so silly
Wedding rings on or off? Off 
Happy or Moody most of the time? So excited to be full term!
Looking forward to... Seeing my Dr on Friday to see if I have dilated at all...

Friday, March 15, 2013

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 31lbs
Maternity clothes? Even my maternity clothes are starting to get uncomfortable :(
Stretch marks? None
Sleep:  Sleep?!?! HA!  I wish!
Best moment this week? I took today off for a personal day & it's been great!  I took a couple of naps, caught up on some picture editing, and went on a very long walk.
Movement:  It's starting to get a little painful.  He has no room & is trying to stretch out but there is nowhere for him to go.
Food Cravings: Not really this week....
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope
Miss Anything? Sleep, being comfortable, wine, running, having a daily routine....
Gender? Boy
Labor Signs: Matthew has started to drop.  At least it looks & feels like it to me :)
Symptoms: still dealing with a lot of swelling.  At the end of my daily walks my fingers look like little sausages.
Belly Button in or out? FLAT
Wedding rings on or off? Off but I have started wearing them on a necklace.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Im a big ball of emotions.  I have been super anxious.  He could come any day now...
Looking forward to... Going into labor

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Maternity Photo Shoot

I'm so glad we decided to do a maternity photo shoot!  We used Chelsea Lietz Photography as our photographer.  We can't wait to do our newborn session!  She has a great studio between Boerne & New Braunfels & is super friendly.  We are so happy we got some great pics with the girls.  

I was a little nervous to do any bare belly shots but I actually like this one

Matthew's 1st pair of boots

Checkin out my belly!


This is one of my favorites!  The girls spotted a cat off in the distance & were dying to go off and chase it down.  

Can't wait for Matthew to come join our family!