Friday, December 28, 2012

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 16lbs
Maternity clothes? Maternity & regular clothes
Stretch marks? None
Sleep:  Sleep has been great this week!  I've been able to sleep in since we are on holiday break. 
Best moment this week: CHRISTMAS!!!!!  John & I went to the family service @ First Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve and then headed to Boerne for Christmas with my mom, Nash, Heather & the Cantu's.  Mom wasn't feeling well but we still had a great time.  Then on Christmas Day John & I hosted our first Family Christmas.  Dad & Janet & her kids came over as well as Emma, Steve, the Cantu's, and Ducky.  We had a huge feast and then opened gifts!  By far the best moment of the week was waking up the day after Christmas & my loving husband had done ALL of the dishes from the party!  Best surprise ever!!! 
Movement: Yep!  He had the hiccups last night & it was so funny. 
Food cravings: Chocolate milk & Carbs
Anything making you queasy or sick:   Meat....It's not making me sick but I have to force myself to eat it. 
Miss Anything? Champagne  
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs:  Nope
Symptoms: The major back pain has gone away but I still have some minor back pain. 
Belly Button in or out? In, but very stretched
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited & nervous!  I'm 2/3of the way done & I can't wait to meet Baby H.    
Looking forward to: New Year's Eve in Carrizo.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: 15lbs (eeekkkk)
Maternity clothes? Both maternity & regular clothes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  My shoulders are starting to hurt from sleeping  on my sides :(  So I've been trying to sleep upright. LOL!!!
Best moment this week: I have been having some really bad back pain & yesterday my dad brought me over a wedge pillow which helps take the pressure off my lower back while I'm in bed.  It made me so happy to know that he is always thinking of me & little baby H.  Also, last weekend John had his company Christmas Party & he sang "Fly Me to the Moon" (our first dance song) in a karaoke contest & he won a 51" 3D smart TV :)
Movement: Yes and last Friday John felt little man too :)
Food cravings: Chocolate milk & Cocoa Puffs
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really....  I just don't ever want any type of meat.  
Miss Anything? With Christmas right around the corner I've been to busy/excited to really miss anything.  
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs:  Nope
Symptoms: Major back pain!  I'm hoping it will go away soon.  It reminds me of the pain I had before my back surgery a year and a half ago.  I feel so helpless :(  I have been in bed the past 2 days. 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Very annoyed & upset because of my lower back.  It's only been 2 days of pain but it hurts to get up and walk.  
Looking forward to: CHRISTMAS!!!!!  John & I are having almost everyone over Christmas Day!  I have the table set, the menu planned, and all the presents wrapped.  I just hope my back starts feeling better so that I can cook Christmas Day.  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing a mix of maternity and regular clothes.  Just found an Old Navy that has a meternity section @ the Rim & I was really excited to score a dress for $10 for John's company Christmas Party on Friday. 
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep:  Bought a body pillow....Not sure if I'm loving it though
Best moment this week: Christmas shopping last weekend.  John came with me to every store both Saturday & Sunday & never ever complained.  He also raked up all the leaves and gave me a foot massage on Sunday.  I really am so lucky!
Movement: YES!!!!  If I concentrate & lay realy still I can feel him thump on my tummy.  It is the most AMAZING thing in the world!
Food cravings: Chocolate milk....I can not get enough of it
Anything making you queasy or sick: I use to love grilled chicken but I can't really it eat right now.  If it's in a cassarole I'll eat it but grilled chicken on a salad just does not sound appetizing to me. 
Miss Anything? A glass of wine or a beer.  We went to Samantha's Birthday party last night @ Clear Springs and all I wanted was a Miller Lite. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs:  None.  Although in our childbirth class the nurse told us when your stomach tightens up and gets hard that is a a contraction & that it can happen very early. 
Symptoms: Heartburn.  Although chocolate milk seems to cure it :)
Belly Button in or out? In but it is stretching a lot
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Really excited!  I love talking to other mom's or mom's to be about thier pregnancy and delivery.  The class we are taking through the hospital has really given me a lot to think about. 
Looking forward to: Driving around and looking at Christmas lights on Monday night w/ Meg :) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

22 Weeks Again

How far along? I am 22 weeks....I was getting really confused about being 1 week ahead so I'm doubling up for week 22
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes? Definatly!   
Stretch marks? no
Sleep:  Is pretty great! 
Best moment this week: Having a girls night @ Alamo Draft House.  We saw Love Actually!  Best holiday movie :)  2nd best moment was going down to Marko's Ranch for some R&R.  I got to see some really big deer, shoot a few guns, and hang out with great friends.  3rd best moment putting together our crib and dresser/changing table that mimi & Nash & dad & Janet bought for us!  It's beginning to look like a nursery :)
Movement: no :(
Food cravings: chocolate milk, cocoa puffs, chocolate ice cream.... anything chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Miss Anything?  Not so much this week. 
Gender: A baby boy
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: heart burn, the need to pee consistintly
Belly Button in or out? in...although I feel it stretching...
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & Energized! 
Looking forward to: