I can't believe my little man is already one month old! Time seems to be flying by. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital.
At month old you
- taking naps on mommy's chest
- hanging out with daddy on the exercise ball
- being outside
- being in the water, either at bath time or hanging out in the pool
- having your arms swaddled
- hiccups
- having a dirty diaper
What's new
- pretty much everything is new for you right now
- you are a pro at peeing on me & daddy when we change your diapers
- you got your first real bath
(I still look all drugged up in this pic)
Mommy & Matthew catching a few ZZZZ's
Matthew's 1st trip out
Matthew & Ducky
Matthew & Marko
Daddy giving Matthew his first bath
Shelby supervising dinner time
Wide awake
Newborn Photo Session
The girls keeping an eye on Matthew
Mimi & Matthew
Matthew in the Moby
Chillin w/ daddy
So sleepy
1st time in the pool
Going on our daily walks
Tummy time
Matthew's Grandpa's can't wait to take him fishing
This first month has been crazy for me! I am so use to being on a routine/schedule but now you have taught me to "stop & smell the roses." I love watching you sleep & seeing you take everything new in. I started off this month questioning everything I did because I was worried I was doing everything wrong, but now I have realized there is no right or wrong, its just doing what works for us :) Since I have taken time off of work I have been letting daddy sleep through the late night feedings but he is such a big help when he gets home from work and during the weekends. You have had a ton of visitors since you have come home because you are already so loved.