Maternity clothes? I have been wearing a ton of dresses to work and stretchy leggings. I think I will probably have to start wearing maternity clothes pretty soon...
Stretch marks? nope but I am putting on lots of lotion just in case
Labor Signs: none Symptoms: ligament pain. If I sneeze or move real sudden I have this pain in my side.
How far along? In my 17th week, the What to Expect When Expect app is very confusing. I actually just turned 16 weeks but I am in my 17th week....
Total weight gain: 5 lbs, but last week at the dr they said I gained 10 lbs. I think thier scale is totally wrong :)
Stretch marks? nope but I am putting on lots of lotion just in case
Sleep: I've switched things up a little this week... I'm trying to workout after work so that I don't have to wake up at 5am anymore. So now I go to bed around 10pm and get up around 7:30am, or at least that's the plan. I usually wake up around 2am and 4am wondering "why am I awake if I don't need to pee?" Then I eat breakfast at 6am and then go back to bed till 8am. Very odd....
Best moment this week: I really had a great week this week! Some of the best moments were hearing the baby's heartbeat for the 1st time, laying in bed with my husband reading different baby books (he is reading Happiest Baby on the Block and I am reading Brain Rules for Baby), and I swear I could feel the baby move yesterday! I definately had some butterflies on and off and that's what they say it feels like :)
Movement: I think so....
Food cravings: nothing to crazy this week...Just a lot of peanut butter
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really
Miss Anything? Fitting in my clothes
Food cravings: nothing to crazy this week...Just a lot of peanut butter
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really
Miss Anything? Fitting in my clothes
Gender: Hopefully if the baby cooperates we find out the Tuesday before Thanksgiving! We have decided to put a slideshow together with all of our family & friends votes & then show it on Thanksgiving day.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy!
Looking forward to:
Looking forward to: