Tuesday, October 9, 2012

12 Weeks

How far along? 12 Weeks
Total weight gain:  1 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet :)
Stretch marks? no

Sleep: Still waking up to use the restroom but a lot less frequently.  Now I just need to get John to stop snoring.  Don't know why this habit came back...
Best moment this week: Meeting Dr. Ayden and getting another ultra sound!  He is getting so big!  I couldn't be happier
Movement: Not yet but all the apps & websites say he is definately moving around :)
Food cravings: Nothing to crazy just yet... 
Anything making you queasy or sick: my vitamins.  Dr Aden suggested flinstone chewables for now
Miss Anything? not really...seems like life is just going on like normal
Gender: a boy...maybe
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: some of the 1st trimester symptoms are leaving...but now I'm starting to get light headed
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: elated!  I'm starting to plan lots of things and its so fun
Looking forward to: Going to Austin to see Citizen Cope with friends

A look at the 2nd ultra sound...

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